Product Design Brainstorming

Ideation the driving force behind the product design process

Great product design has the ability to change how we live, creating opportunities to explore new ways to how we react with situations, and evolve and adapt to change.

At the start of the product design process, brainstorming and ideation lead as creativity is a crucial part of innovation and a fundamental element of breaking boundaries and the status quo. People mostly think of creativity as a stroke of genius or a ‘light bulb’ moment. Sometimes this is the case, but most of the time, it’s part of a wider approach to design and evolution.

What is creativity? Creativity can be trained to become almost like a “natural” form of expression. Many artists and designers have a unique style and design language, that helps them to both express themselves, as well as stand out from the rest. The most capable of them are able to create something completely different, by changing a stroke of the brush, or even just the proportions of an existing object. There’s a lot of craftmanship that goes into this and it takes quite a long time to reach this level, just like a master tailor can easily envision the quality of a fabric, by just touching it.
It’s said that some of the best designers and artists are also some of the best copy-cats. This is not meant in a derogative way, but more in the ability of exploring the world that surrounds us and being able to grab ideas, thoughts, inspiration from even the smallest or faintest of details.

There are endless books that study how design can learned and also by mimicking nature. The specific terms are Biomimicry and Biomorphism. The first one, is a practice that learns from and mimics the strategies found in nature to solve human design challenges. The latter instead, refers to designs that ‘visually’ resemble parts or elements from natural life. These can be a great source of inspiration and problem solving and are often referenced in mood boards and inspiration boards.

If you are new to the world of product design but have a great idea for a product, our next webinar should not missed. Aimed at new inventors, we explore how the product design process gives you a roadmap to help make your dream product come a reality. More details about our webinar and to register click here >

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