Project: Air Filtration Device

Client: Bubbarolla


Research & Planning

Industrial Design

Engineering Design

Mechnical Engineering

Colour Material Finish

Conceptual Design


Contextual Studies

Human Factors

Market Intelligence

Bubbarolla are a New York based start up company

JMDA designed an air filtration capsule and air quality monitor to mount on a stroller canopy. It uses an Environmental Protection System (EPS) to protect against pollution, UV and rain, as well as a filtration system to manage the air quality in the occupant space of the stroller.

At the outset of the project we researched and carried out contextual studies to gain understanding of the problem of ground level air pollution (particularly in busy cities). This informed the the concept design and styling development. JMDA continued to engineer the product to a functional, working prototype working closely with the client and proposed factory in China throughout the design process.

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