Project: Car Battery Discharger

Client: Naythan (Shanghai) Technology Co Ltd


Industrial Design

Colour Material Finish

Conceptual Design

Human Factors

A discharger unit is primarily used to reduce the stored charge of a battery without any connection to the external products circuit. With the growth in electric vehicles, these are widely used by mechanics and car garages, and sometimes seen within car showrooms.

JMDA were approached by a Chinese manufacturer to redesign their existing discharger unit. Their existing product (see image) was purely a functional, sheet metal design without any style direction . It was cheap to make, but lacked consideration for the ergonomics of the user or the environment in which it is used.

JMDA worked closely with the manufacturer to improve both the aesthetic and usability of the product. Working within budget and manufacturing constraints, we presented a range of visual concepts from Photoshop sketches to rendered CAD models. A design concept was chosen (by the client) and refined Style CAD completed for the detailed engineering to be undertaken by the client’s own engineer.

The product has now launched and received orders by a number of recognisable brands including Tesla and Volkswagen.

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