Project: Booster Seat

Client: RyRy Compact


Research & Planning

Industrial Design

Engineering Design

Manufacturing Support

Mechnical Engineering

Product Testing


Colour Material Finish

Conceptual Design


Contextual Studies

Human Factors

Innovation Strategy

Market Intelligence

JMDA worked with startup company RyRy Compact to design a compact and transportable child car seat, without compromising on flexibility. The target market for this product is travelling families who are tired of having to carry heavy seats through an airport or transport hub because they don’t want the extra expense (and uncertainty) of hiring one at their destination. They want a premium quality seat, lightweight and compact, that they know they can use in almost all vehicles.

We developed the Scallop, a portable car seat which fully meets EU R129 (I-Size) regulations. The design includes a fully integrated harness, top tether and adjustable headrest. It can be fitted into a vehicle either via retractable ISOFIX connectors, or a seat belt tightly secured under the seat backrest. The seat cushion will fold up within the seating area to allow the product to convert into an easily carried backpack.

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