

Mechnical Engineering

Product Testing

Colour Material Finish

Conceptual Design


Contextual Studies

Human Factors

Innovation Strategy

Market Intelligence


The BoostApak car seat was born out of Derrick Barker’s own experience when his children shared lifts to a from school and needed a portable booster.

The market opportunity changed significantly when compulsory use of child restraints was introduced in 2004. In 2006 JMDA committed the resources to bring the product to market.

The Success of the BoostApak

The design rights were sold to Trunki in 2008 who have established major global distribution including the USA.

BoostApak has made a significant contribution to Trunki’s recent success and demonstrated JMDA’s tenacity and commercial awareness in creating the exact product to meet the demands of the market.

What is the Trunki?

A booster seat is designed to position the seat belt on the child in the optimum safety position. Most products are blow moulded seats with solid base. The back pack required a soft base to enable access to the storage space. This difference was a significant challenge to meet the dynamic performance requirements of the regulation.

“It's great to see an idea transform into reality and become such a turnkey product in the market. Nothing is impossible if you have determination to succeed. ”

Derrick Barker - Creative & Managing Director

Our Awards

JMDA is proud that products we designed have received
recognition with industry and category awards.